August 26, 2022

Make sure you switch off the AC before cleaning the machine and also unplug the power switch of the machine to added safety. It would prevent accidentally starting of the machine.

Uncover the AC

Remove face cover of the unit to access the filter and cooling coils. Take care while removing the cover as it has to be fit on the machine after cleaning the filter and the coils. The cover might have screws that you would need unscrewing to remove it from the unit.

Clean the front

Removing the cover would expose front of the machine. Clean the front with the help of a liquid cleaning agent. Buy a bottle of quality cleaner from market to clean your AC. Spray the cleaner on the front and remove the debris from face of the machine.

Filter cleaning

Remove the filter attached at the front from the unit. Clean it properly and wash, if needed. Washing with mild detergent would remove whatever debris it has accumulated. When it is cleaned, fix it at its place. Replace the cover on the unit and start the AC after 15 minutes.

It is simple to clean and maintain an AC and a person that follows DIY method can do the cleaning on his own. But it would be better if you call an experienced technician.

For air conditioning maintenance, always rely on a certified and experienced technician. What the technician would do is he would determine condition of the machine and age of its parts. He would determine the parts that need to be changed and in this way, he would aware you about future maintenance of the machine.

Who’s a certified technician?

AC repair and maintenance is taught as a subject in training institutes. Professionals take training in repairing and maintaining cooling machines and they get certificates that show their skills and capabilities. Certified technicians are well trained on latest machines.

When you call an AC technician, you should inquire about his training, certification and experience. Make sure that the technician is well trained on the model of AC you are using.

See a technician working

The technician would provide comprehensive air conditioning maintenance including change of parts. For instance take filter. Your AC might need new filter but it’s only an experienced technician that can determine whether the filter needs to be changed or cleaned. Similarly the technician can check the machine for other problems.