Penny Auction: How To Get The Best Bargain

September 26, 2022

Penny auction sites provide an excellent opportunity to buy diamond rings, gold coins, gift cards, electronic items and other merchandise at as much as 99% off of retail prices. Bidding on these auction sites is managed by a fair process. Like traditional auctions, you are not allowed to jump into the fray at the very last moment and outbid others. Bidding on penny sale is a guided and well regulated procedure and each bidder has to follow the rules of the game. The rules vary from one site to another hence it’s better to understand the rules before you start bidding.

To bid on merchandise at a penny auction site, one needs to register first. Registration process is very short doesn’t cost anything. Once the registration is confirmed, the person is allowed to take part in the bidding process. The items for auction are priced minimum probably zero but the price increases by a certain amount with each bid. In addition, the bidders pay a fix amount to the site owner for every time they bid. The price of the auction goods and cost of bidding varies from one site to another. Some sites start bidding from zero, however, others start at $1.

Bid credit is purchased in advance from the site. One is allowed to buy any number packets of for instance from 10 to 100 bids from the penny auction site, he has selected. It gives him freedom to bid without fearing of running out of the bid credit when he is near to win an item. Bid credit is the amount you pay to the site owner for bidding. Each time you bid, a fix amount is deducted from your credit account. This also varies from one site to another and you could end up paying from 60 cents to $1 dollar per bid.

The winner gets his favorite item at a price that is much less than the wholesale price of that particular product. To be success in penny auction, the bidders should take certain factors into consideration. First, start bidding from inexpensive items so that you get some experience. Second, before bidding on your favorite product examine the bidding pattern of seasoned bidders on that particular product. Less competition means brighter chances and high competition indicates longer wait and less chances. Also add the money you paid in bidding in the price of the product if you win. This way you can determine how much you saved.