Greyhound | Hound Group

July 31, 2023

The Greyhound is a unique and ancient breed with a history dating back thousands of years. They are sighthounds, meaning they rely on their exceptional vision and speed to chase and capture prey. Greyhounds have a distinctive, sleek appearance with a deep chest and long, slender legs that contribute to their incredible running ability.

Here are some more details about Greyhounds:

Breed Group: Hound Group

Physical Characteristics:

  • Size: Greyhounds are large-sized dogs, known for their tall and lean build. Males typically stand 28 to 30 inches (71 to 76 cm) tall at the shoulder, and females are slightly smaller, standing 27 to 28 inches (68 to 71 cm) tall.
  • Weight: Adult Greyhounds usually weigh between 60 to 70 pounds (27 to 32 kg).
  • Coat: They have a short, smooth coat that comes in various colors, including black, white, fawn, brindle, blue, and red. Greyhounds have little body fat and a single layer of fur, which makes them sensitive to extreme temperatures.


  • Gentle and Reserved: Greyhounds are generally calm and gentle dogs. They have a somewhat reserved and quiet demeanor.
  • Docile and Good-Natured: They are well-known for their good-natured and gentle behavior, which makes them great family pets.
  • Independent Thinkers: Greyhounds can be independent thinkers and may not always be as obedient as some other breeds. However, they are not difficult to train with positive reinforcement methods.
  • Couch Potatoes: Despite their reputation as speedy athletes, Greyhounds are surprisingly low-energy dogs indoors. They enjoy lounging and can be content with a few short bursts of exercise each day.


  • Originally bred for hunting and coursing, Greyhounds were used to chase and catch small game, such as hares and rabbits.
  • In modern times, many Greyhounds are retired racing dogs or rescued from the racing industry. They are also kept as cherished companions and participate in various dog sports and activities.

Care and Grooming:

  • Greyhounds have a short coat that requires minimal grooming. Regular brushing is usually enough to keep their coat in good condition.
  • Due to their thin skin and lack of body fat, they are susceptible to getting cold in cool weather. It's essential to provide them with warm bedding and clothing if necessary.
  • Greyhounds need regular exercise, but they are sprinters and don't require long runs. Short play sessions and daily walks are usually sufficient to meet their exercise needs.


  • Greyhounds are generally a healthy breed, but they may be prone to certain health issues, including bloat (gastric dilatation-volvulus), heart conditions, and musculoskeletal injuries.
  • Regular veterinary check-ups and appropriate preventative care are important for their well-being.

Greyhounds make affectionate and loyal pets for families and individuals who can appreciate their unique characteristics. While they may have an instinct to chase small animals due to their hunting background, many Greyhounds coexist peacefully with other pets. Adopting a retired racing Greyhound can offer a loving home to a dog that deserves a life of comfort and care after its racing career.